Sustaining and Embedding Innovations - wiki JISC Sustaining and Embedding Innovations / Examples of sector-level resources

Examples of sector-level resources

There are range of resources which have been produced by JISC, the Higher Education Academy and other sector bodies which draw together resources and tools for different audiences.  Examples include:


The Design Studio

The Design Studio is an output from the JISC Transforming Curriculum Design/Delivery through Technology programme – a dynamic web-based toolkit which draws together a range of existing and developing resources around curriculum design and delivery and the role technology plays in supporting these processes and practices. 



EvidenceNet has been developed by the Higher Education Academy to draw together evidence-based resources to support teaching and learning in higher education.


Excellence Gateway

The Excellence Gateway provides extensive resources for the post-16 learning and skills sector around good practice in the use of technology.



Jorum is a repository for depositing, sharing and discussing learning and teaching resources. JorumOpen provides access to open education resources available under Creative Commons licensing.