Sustaining and Embedding Innovations - wiki JISC Sustaining and Embedding Innovations / Role of change agents and champions

Role of change agents and champions

The adoption of a devolved change agent/champion model can be highly effective in facilitating the uptake of innovations at a local level, but there is a danger that there will be insufficient sharing of ideas, expertise and know-how between faculties/schools/departments. Processes should therefore be put in place to facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise and know-how with the change agents collectively “owning” a network within an institution – and involving academic/teaching staff, service department staff and students. Such a community can adopt a blended approach to combine traditional methods of knowledge exchange e.g. through learning.teaching and assessment (LT&A) workshops/conferences with virtual techniques including asynchronous online portal approaches combined with real-time collaboration and conferencing systems.


See also:

Simple approaches to change

Who is responsible for influencing and facilitating change

Encouraging true partnership working