Sustaining and Embedding Innovations - wiki JISC Sustaining and Embedding Innovations / Embedding or aligning innovations
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Embedding or aligning innovations

This section focuses on:


  • Aligning innovation projects with institutional goals, drivers and needs
  • Aligning or embedding innovations with institutional strategies
  • Aligning or embedding innovations with institutional processes, systems and services
  • Focusing on impact and returns on investment.
  • Developing a sustainability and embedding plan. 
  • Evaluating costs/benefits.


Key messages:


  • Innovations are far more likely to be adopted throughout an institution if they can support specific institutional or faculty/school goals, needs and drivers.
  • Innovation project teams should work with the “owners” of specific institutional strategies to embed their innovations within the strategies.
  • When considering stakeholder needs, the needs of stakeholders such as employers, sector bodies (e.g. sector skills councils) and professional/standards bodies should also be embraced.
  • Innovations can be embedded into processes, systems and services, such as QA/QE and curriculum design, review and approval processes, ICT systems to support curriculum design, review and approval and curriculum design/review support services.
  • Innovation projects should consider developing a sustainability and embedding plan – to align with the communications and stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Project teams will increasingly be required to evidence measureable impact and positive cost/benefits of their innovation projects. 
  • JISC have developed an impact calculator for evaluating the efficiency of change initiatives.  


Key resources:

Strategy infoKit